09 May 2011

Heraldic pillow

click to embiggen

So I'm making a pillow with my SCA heraldry on it for camping!  I'm using the faux batik process that I saw on That Artist Woman.  It works great!  For details on how to, click the link.  I'll just be sharing what I learned.

I bought a multi-pack of brushes, but only used the biggest and the smallest.  They kept shedding little hairs that I had to pick off the brush.  I just used regular old acrylic paint that you would use to paint ceramic figurines.  The fabric is plain 36" cotton muslin, pre-washed and dried in the dryer to make sure it's shrunk and all the sizing is gone.

Draw LIGHTLY, especially in areas that will be light colored.  Extra pencil lines do show in your finished project, and even the white eraser doesn't get rid of them all.  Make sure that you leave enough space for a seam allowance if you will be sewing this into something!

08 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day

My darling daughter picked me this daffodil this week.  She's 2, and habitually picks me flowers with tiny stems.  Luckily, I have a tiny vase to put them in!  I put them next to our Buddha.  Doesn't he look so happy?

So Happy Mother's Day, to all you Moms out there (and Happy Buddha's Birthday to everyone else!)

03 May 2011

Compact Grocery Bag Carrier for the Purse

I'm a mom, and since I have young kids, I use plastic grocery bags for everything, including emergency dirty/wet clothes carriers and something to put in the carseat under a wet bum when the diaper that you thought would make it home doesn't.  I like to have them in my car, in the diaper bag, in my purse.  But I HATE the thought of a loose bag in any of those places.  So I made a little compact carrier out of some scrap fabric for them.  It fits 2 bags comfortably, or 3 if you squeeze them in.  Here's how!

01 May 2011

Family message center

Just showing off our new FAMILY MESSAGE CENTER!
Total Cost: under $4

click the picture to see it bigger!

I wanted a place to gather all the info that my family needs: phone numbers, appointments, menu plans and such.  But I think those organizers at the store are so boring and ugly!  So I decided to make one for myself.  I wish I could remember what blog I saw this idea on, I would link it.  (14 May 2001: I saw it on Redheads Craft More Fun)

This one is nice and WAY cheaper than the store bought ones - I made it with some scrap fabric from the attic and a garage sale frame.  If you go out looking for a used frame to do this with, make SURE that its made of SMOOTH GLASS and not plexiglas or that textured no-glare stuff.  Those NEVER come clean!

I took the old (UGLY) art out of the frame and covered the backer board with fabric.  I just pulled it taut and taped it on the back, so that if I ever want to change the background I can.  I'm TOTALLY looking forward to being able to change it for the holidays or the seasons! 

The parts that you write over are just plain typing paper that I drew a calendar on and a 7-space "list" on, and cut a bit of construction paper a little bigger than to make it stand out a bit better.  I added the phone list at the top and the notes oval at the bottom and cut a fancy design in the black frame of the oval.  I glued the typing paper to their respective frames, but the paper is only tacked to the fabric with a little dab of glue stick, just to keep them from sliding.

Being that this is glass sheet in a frame, I can use BOTH dry erase markers and wet erase markers on it, which makes it easy to change the stuff that I want to change frequently (like the weekly planner there on the bottom left, or a honey-do list) and keep the stuff that I don't want to change semi-permanent (like the calendar or the phone number for my obstetrician!)

Stuff that's permanent (the school attendance line, our cell phone numbers and the squares for the blank calendar) I put UNDER the glass on the typing paper.  If that stuff ever changes, I can open the frame up pretty easily and swap the paper out for an updated one!

Super easy, this project took about 2 hours total (and that's because I spent a lot of time cutting the fancy shapes in black paper and hand-drawing the calendar blank) and super frugal since I used scrap fabric from the attic and a $3 garage sale frame!

I would LOVE to see if anyone else makes one for themselves!  If you do, post a link in my comments!

-The Messy (but a little more organized) Mommy