25 July 2011

Organizing Sheets

Keeping our sheet sets organized and together is a challenge when you have two children in twin beds and the hubs and I in our queen, and no linen closet in the house!  So I devised this way to combat the problem of keeping sheet sets from getting scattered in a kid's room, and as a bonus, my method also prevents the pillowcases from sliding off of the pillow in the night!

23 July 2011

Finger Drawing Sensory Pad

Make a Sensory Pad to practice making shapes!

Homeschool Beginnings

"Begin at the beginning,", the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."  -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

So we are lucky enough to be able to start homeschooling our younger two kids at the beginning of their learning "career".  I can't express to you just how excited I am to have the chance to help my daughters become life-long learners, rather than just a memorizer of information, to pass a standardized test.

Right now, we are learning our letters and numbers.  At 2.5, she "knows" them all, but only by rote.  So in an effort to get her ready for phonics, we will be doing a kind-of relaxed "Alpha-Boot Camp" to get her familiar with each letter and learn to recognize them, and to grasp the concept that the numbers stand for something.

07 July 2011

Our Last Foray (for now)

It's the last Space Shuttle launch tomorrow, so I'm posting this video to remind us all of an era of majesty, coming to a close.  I hope that soon, we will return to space.

(A saddened) Messy Mommy

06 July 2011

Ginger-Rose Lemonade Concentrate

This is quickly becoming a summer family favorite of ours.  It's spicy and refreshing and different!  I love the subtle floral flavor, it makes me feel like I'm at a spa.  Plus it's easy to make up a head of time, and store until you want to mix some up.  Great for picnics and social functions - we bring our big drink dispenser and mix up a gallon or two at parties for something different than plain old iced tea and soda.

clayirving/Flickr via Creative Commons

I got the inspiration for this drink at a food festival where they were selling Nimbu Paani at an Indian food stall.  Traditionally, ginger and lemon are supposed to be cooling, and good the the digestion.  Here's to your health!

Shopping List:
1 large ginger root
Rosewater (can be found at Middle Eastern groceries or health food stores.  Make sure that it's food grade, rosewater is also used in cosmetics.  I paid $6 for a bottle, but it goes a long way.)

From the Pantry:
lemon juice

Here's the recipe:

04 July 2011

Knock-down Tier Stand

So my husband says to me the other day, "Have you updated your blog lately?" and to tell you the truth, I've been so busy juggling my 2 year old and my dear, darling newborn infant that I really haven't had any opportunity to create anything much except a bunch of clean laundry!  But the bug to create bit me again this week, and I've made myself a super frugal and super customizable tier stand!